Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Style Inspriations....... The Avengers!!

I don't know why but I tend to look back instead of the present when it comes to style and design, inspiration , it just seems to me , people , cars , homes, and yes our manners were just better, and evoked class and style.  When I was a wee lad  I used to love The Avengers TV show , John Steed and Emma Peel, they were so cool!, great clothes , the lotus and Bentley cars, and of course their epic adventures each episode brought. Emma Peel was way ahead of her time , a confident no nonsense woman, Ha! she'd fit right in today 40 years later. Mr. steeds  suits were impeccable and his signature bowler hat and umbrella so very British. I understand in real life he served in the military and grew to despise guns, so he had his character, use his hat and umbrella as a personal statement against guns . Emma peel was always dressed to thrill , in true 60's style :) and despite her no nonsense self reliance she still needed Mr. Steed sometimes in the end , which was nice to see and together they got job done which is a message seemingly forgotten , in real life and on today's mostly  lousy tv shows. I still watch the show and I still think Emma Peel (Dianna Riggs ) is one cool Lady and Mr. Steed , well , today's Man could benefit from his sense of style and grace in my mind it'sorely missed.......... .

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